What are Network Permissions? How can they help me?
Network Permissions give different levels of access to the Network Settings via specific Network Roles. As your Network grows, you may need dedicated members to manage different elements of the Network, increase member engagement, and ensure all parts of the Network are running smoothly. If you are a Network Administrator, you can assign people to Network Roles with different permissions levels to help manage the Network collaboratively.
Standard Network Roles are: Administrator, Editor and Member; These give different levels of permissions and access to Network and membership settings. They have specific permissions but can be customised to suit the Network’s needs. Users with the right permissions can also create custom Network Roles with the best combination of permissions and access to membership and Network settings to help manage the Network in the most effective way.
What are the Standard Network Roles?
Administrator: A person assigned to manage a Network, with the highest permissions levels, at the top of the hierarchy. They can customise the Network, including setting permissions for other users, assign Network Roles, control who can join the Network, and send broadcast messages to all members. Networks can have multiple Network Administrators.
Editor: A standard Network Role with a particular set of permissions that allows them to help manage the Network. In the Network Role hierarchy, Editor sits above Member and below Administrator.
Member: a user who belongs to a Network.
What if the Standard Network Roles don’t meet my needs in managing the Network?
If none of the standard Network Roles meet the needs of the Network, they can be used as templates to create Custom Roles with bespoke permissions, settings and title to help run the Network effectively. You can have any number of Custom Roles in a Network.
How do I assign different permissions to particular Network members?
Visit the Network tab, then click on the Permissions tab. To give members specific Permissions, click the 3 dot menu next to each Standard Role and select which members to assign. To create a Custom Role and assign members to it, scroll down to Custom Roles and click Add New Role.
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