This article will help you understand all the functionality to manage your network on Kalido effectively. See how administrators can harness the full power of Kalido.
How do I create a Network?
Follow the steps to name your Network and give a short description. You can customise the settings for Location and decide whether users need to request to join. Then choose ‘Add Network’ (mobile) or ‘Create’ (web).
As an Admin, how much control do I have over the Network?
As an Admin, you can design and manage the Network so it’s tailored exactly to your, and your organisation’s, needs. You can:
- Send broadcast messages which reach all members simultaneously. This is great for sending important or urgent updates and to arrange meet-ups.
- Select the visibility of your Network. It can be as private as you want, or you can be visible to a wide range of users on Kalido who you may want to join and be part of your Network.
- Edit the Roles of members of your Networks so it’s clear what everyone’s remits are.
- Add website links.
- Customise the joining criteria so that people have to ask to join your Network and you can review potential members.
- Create custom acceptance and rejection messages to members requesting to join.
- Create automatic acceptance of anyone with an email address with a particular domain/domains.
- Decide whether only Admins can start Group Chats or if any member can.
- Share your Network directly with others via a handy link or QR code.
- Invite people to join the Network to make sure you’re bringing in the right Skills and including people who can really add value to your conversations.
- Create a Channel so that groups within your Network have a focused place to discuss particular topics or business units.
- Add and remove Admins (there must be at least one).
- Create a Network-specific list of Bands that reflect the salary range and level of seniority a user falls into.
How can I make someone else a Network Admin as well as, or instead of, me?
On the Network page, tap the section that shows the number of Network Admins. You can add or remove other Admins, or remove yourself as an Admin. A Network must have at least one Admin.
Can other people help me to manage the Network?
You can assign people in a Network to Network Roles, with different permissions levels to help manage the Network collaboratively.
Standard Network Roles are: Administrator, Editor and Member; These give different levels of permissions and access to Network and membership settings. They have specific permissions but can be customised to suit the Network’s needs. Users with the right permissions can also create custom Network Roles with the best combination of permissions and access to membership and Network settings to help manage the Network in the most effective way.
If none of the standard Network Roles meet the needs of the Network, you can create a Custom Role with bespoke permissions, settings and title to help run the Network effectively.
What is Network visibility?
Visibility is about whether users can see the existence of a Network, and any branding data its Administrators have chosen to show publicly. The internal contents of a Network - Members, Chats, Channels, Quests, Opportunities etc - are only ever visible to Members.
What are Public, Private and Hidden Networks?
Networks on Kalido can have three different types of visibility: Public, Private and Hidden. The visibility type is set by the Network Administrators.
Public Networks
Public Networks are visible to everyone on Kalido, whether they are a Member of the Network or not. A user request to join a Public Network is automatically accepted, and the user will instantly become part of the Network.
Private Networks
Private Networks are visible to everyone on Kalido, but users must request to join the Network. Network Administrators can set joining criteria and questions for users to answer before their join request is approved.
Hidden Networks
Hidden Networks are only visible to their Members and will not show up in search results on Kalido. Users can only join the Network if they are explicitly invited by a Network Member.
What data can I see? What other services can I offer our members?
Administrators can use Kalido to broadcast important messages to the whole community simultaneously. Our analytics can show Admins what members are looking for in different geographies and get a true picture of member activities.
We are building a whole range of analytics to measure engagement…coming to Kalido soon.
Do you offer a white label version of Kalido?
We don’t offer a white label version of Kalido as we’d have to charge Network owners for customised software support, design, and maintenance. Instead, all Networks are fully customisable, so you can add your organisation’s branding and encourage members to brand their own Profiles to align with your organisation. You can make your spaces on Kalido very much your own.
When Kalido pre-populated my Profile, I was automatically added as the Admin of a Network but I don’t want to be. How can I change this?
Later in 2020, this will be changed so that you’ll see the organisation on your Profile, but won’t automatically join its Network or be made an Admin.
If I, or a member of my team, leaves my organisation’s Network what happens?
You’ll no longer have access to its Chats, Channels, broadcast messages, or automatic connections to its members. But any connections that you’ve added to your Personal Network will still be there – and it’s a great way to stay in touch with former colleagues if either of you leave your organisation’s Network.
There are also still plenty of Opportunities for you on Kalido, both through the connections in your Personal Network, your new organisation’s Network if you have one, and new Networks that Kalido will suggest for you and that you can search for and explore in the Networks tab.
We also encourage organisations to create alumni Networks to help make sure former colleagues can still keep in touch, and that the organisation continues to benefit from all the Opportunities their former Network members can provide for years to come.
What is a Linked Network?
A Linked Network is a Network that has a relationship with another Network. Create one to manage your recruitment process, alumnus, or other needs.
Types of Linked Network
Basic Recruitment Network: a Recruitment Network for small organisations with no External Recruiters from Vendors, and a limited external talentpool.
Enterprise Recruitment Network: a Recruitment Network for larger organisations with External Recruiters from Vendors, and a vast external talentpool.
Existing link-enabled Network: an existing Network which is link-enabled, so that other Networks can share Quests to get more Matches. Alumni Network: a community of skilled people who used to work for an organisation.
What are the benefits of linking your Network with another link-enabled Network?
Linking with another Network means that you and your Network Members can access a wider pool of Opportunities, Match with more Quests, get more Matches for your own Quests, and assign people to your Projects from a wider talentpool (depending on what information you’ve agreed in advance can be shared between the two Networks).
How can I make a Network link-enabled?
Visit Networks and click on the “Manage” tab. Scroll down and, if you have the right permissions, check the box for “Enable Network linking”. You will now be able to request to link with other link-enabled Networks, and they will be able to find your Network and send a link request. This setting can be changed by any Member in the Network with permission to manage “Network privacy/visibility” under the “Network settings management” section.
Who can manage Linked Networks?
To manage Linked Networks, a Network Member must have the permission “Can manage Linked Networks” under the “Network Members management and permissions” section.
If you manage a Linked Network, you can:
- send a link request to Link-enabled Networks
- update/propose new terms for a Linked Partnership Network
- accept/deny Linked Partnership Network link requests
- change settings for a Linked Partnership Network
- unlink a Linked Partnership Network
What is a Linked Partnership Network?
A Linked Partnership Network is a Link-enabled Network that has been linked to your Network.
Do I have control over the information my Network shares with a Linked Partnership Network?
Yes. Before they can be linked, each Link-enabled Network must agree link terms which state clearly what kind of data can be shared, such as Member Profile visibility, Quests, Opportunities, Projects and Matches. New link terms can be proposed multiple times by either party before agreement.
New link terms can be proposed at any time on the Linked Networks tab. Click the 3 dot menu on Linked Partnership Networks and select “View terms/settings”. Click the “Revise agreement” button to update the terms/settings.
Can I unlink a Linked Partnership Network?
Yes, if you have the right permissions, you can unlink at any time. This means that you will no longer be able to find Matches in the Linked Partnership Network, Members of your Network won’t be considered for Opportunities in it, and all Project sharing will stop. Assigned Members of the Linked Partnership Network will be removed from all Projects in your Network.
To unlink, click the 3 dot menu on Linked Partnership Networks, select “View terms/settings” and “Unlink”.
How can I view a Linked Network?
They are listed under the “Linked Networks” tab on a Network. All members of the Network will have access to the Linked Networks tab, but can only see the Linked Networks if they have permission.
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